JANESVILLE, WI— The time has come to start sending in registrations for the 59th Annual Tallman Arts Festival! Early Registration for the 59th Annual Tallman Arts Festival is now open and you can register today for the price of $60.00/ booth.
This year’s theme is Art @ PLAY. With our annual themes, we be exploring the many ways art can speak to us or can be represented. Art @ PLAY will celebrate the fresh, fun and whimsical side of art. We will also be playing at “PLAY Stations” for children of all ages throughout the campus during the festival.
The 59th Annual Tallman Arts Festival will be held on Sunday, August 7th from 10:00am-5:00pm. For the first time ever, we will also be hosting a Gallery Night on Saturday, August 6th at the Tallman Carriage Barn on the Rock County Historical Society grounds. Watch for more details on how you can attend this new event and support the RCHS.
Artist registration and details for the 59th Annual Tallman Arts Festival and Gallery Night can be found at www.rchs.us/tallmanart/ . For more information, please contact Amanda Strobel Wise at [email protected] or 608-756-4509 ext. 313.