Where Past Meets Present

Rock County Historical Society


        Join us on campus and explore your path while working for a respected nonprofit. RCHS is museums and so much more. In addition to archives and exhibits, RCHS also provides valuable experience for those interested in exploring not-for-profit missions, education, events management, social media engagement and marketing, development, tourism, customer service, and operations management. 


Featured Opportunities


The RCHS mission is rooted in education. Ask about ongoing opportunities for individuals interested in developing educational opportunities for our visitors.


The RCHS Campus is home to museums, entertainment, education, public events, and shopping experiences. We host private events too! Immerse yourself in a unique challenge, ask about internship possibilities with RCHS Operations.

What We Offer

  Gain experience in a dynamic work environment. Work with our professional staff and volunteers. Very likely your work will cross disciplines and provide a well-rounded perspective of what museum non-profit work is like.


  Our interns are an important part of our community. The RCHS campus contains multiple museums, a retail space, and event venues that host both public and private events. Our interns help us to make connections with our members and visitors in these spaces. RCHS strives to provide the opportunity for rewarding experiences. We expect you will be challenged and build valuable skills.


  RCHS provides internship opportunities on a case by case basis. Please note, most internships are unpaid. Please complete the internship application to be considered.

Our Mission

2021 RCHS Logo

The Rock County Historical Society enriches and engages the communities in Rock County, Wisconsin through preservation and dissemination of the unique history and heritage of our area.


Gathering here today in the Rock River Valley, the Rock County Historical Society (RCHS) acknowledges the Indigenous People whose ancestors thrived for thousands of years in this region. RCHS welcomes all the First Nations as the nations pass along their native language and traditions to younger generations.

Learn more about RCHS


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Visit Us

RCHS Museum & Visitor Center
426 N. Jackson St.
Janesville, WI  53548
(608) 756-4509
View hours

Lincoln Tallman Museum
440 N. Jackson St.
Janesville, WI  53548
(608) 756-4509
View hours