Where Past Meets Present

Toni Ellis

Volunteer Spotlight: Toni Ellis

Since March 2015, Toni has been one of the many faces of the Rock County Historical Society as a Front Desk Volunteer.  She greets our visitors, helps with special projects, and is a constant source of quotes for the quote of the day board. And her unending willingness to learn new skills, helps us to push ourselves to be better and seek out new challenges as a staff group.

We have all loved getting to know Toni-especially over our staff lunches, or “Lunch with Toni” as it is marked on our calendars.  Through these small gatherings, we are able to get to know our interns, and even some of our long-term volunteers all over again! During these lunches, we share our own personal news with everyone, talk about some of the happenings on campus (like our wonderful flower beds, or our new directional signs) and eat! Join us for the next Lunch with Toni, on 24 September at 12:30 pm in the Helen Jeffris Wood Museum Center.  BYOL-bring your own lunch!

Thank you, Toni, for all of the joy and humor you bring with you every day!  We are honored that you chose to share your time with us, and we love being a part of your life!

If you know someone who you would like to have highlighted in our next Volunteer Spotlight, please contact the RCHS Volunteer & Internship Coordinator ([email protected]@rchs.us | 608-756-4509).

Our Mission

2021 RCHS Logo

The Rock County Historical Society enriches and engages the communities in Rock County, Wisconsin through preservation and dissemination of the unique history and heritage of our area.


Gathering here today in the Rock River Valley, the Rock County Historical Society (RCHS) acknowledges the Indigenous People whose ancestors thrived for thousands of years in this region. RCHS welcomes all the First Nations as the nations pass along their native language and traditions to younger generations.

Learn more about RCHS


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Visit Us

RCHS Museum & Visitor Center
426 N. Jackson St.
Janesville, WI  53548
(608) 756-4509
View hours

Lincoln Tallman Museum
440 N. Jackson St.
Janesville, WI  53548
(608) 756-4509
View hours