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Janesville High School, ca 1923


Milwaukee architects Van Ryn and DeGelleke designed Janesville’s new high school at 408 South Main Street in the Collegiate Gothic style with an exterior of red brick and Bedford limestone.



Product Description

Milwaukee architects Van Ryn and DeGelleke designed Janesville’s new high school at 408 South Main Street in the Collegiate Gothic style with an exterior of red brick and Bedford limestone. J.P. Cullen and Son completed the construction in 1923.

In 1955, this building became Marshall Junior High, then Middle School. By 2011 it is the Marshall Apartments with the auditorium renovated into the Janesville Performing Arts Center.

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4×6, 5×7, 8×10, 11×14, 16×20, 24×36

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The Rock County Historical Society enriches and engages the communities in Rock County, Wisconsin through preservation and dissemination of the unique history and heritage of our area.


Gathering here today in the Rock River Valley, the Rock County Historical Society (RCHS) acknowledges the Indigenous People whose ancestors thrived for thousands of years in this region. RCHS welcomes all the First Nations as the nations pass along their native language and traditions to younger generations.

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426 N. Jackson St.
Janesville, WI  53548
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Lincoln Tallman Museum
440 N. Jackson St.
Janesville, WI  53548
(608) 756-4509
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