Where Past Meets Present

call for artists

Rock County Historical Society Calls For Artists to Show at 60th Tallman Arts Festival

Rock County Historical Society is excited to accept applications for artists to show at the 60th Tallman Arts Festival. The festival will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 6 on the grounds of the Rock County Historical Society.

The Tallman Arts Festival is the Rock County Historical Society’s largest fundraiser, and the longest-running outdoor art festival in Wisconsin. In addition to supporting the programs and historical buildings at the Rock County Historical Society, a portion of the proceeds will benefit Art with Heart, which supports Rock County youth through the sale of art created by young artists.

Work submitted must be created by the artist – no buy/sell is allowed. A limited number of artists per category will be accepted to ensure a balanced show. Artists can apply online at www.rchs.us/tallmanart.

Our Mission

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The Rock County Historical Society enriches and engages the communities in Rock County, Wisconsin through preservation and dissemination of the unique history and heritage of our area.


Gathering here today in the Rock River Valley, the Rock County Historical Society (RCHS) acknowledges the Indigenous People whose ancestors thrived for thousands of years in this region. RCHS welcomes all the First Nations as the nations pass along their native language and traditions to younger generations.

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Visit Us

RCHS Museum & Visitor Center
426 N. Jackson St.
Janesville, WI  53548
(608) 756-4509
View hours

Lincoln Tallman Museum
440 N. Jackson St.
Janesville, WI  53548
(608) 756-4509
View hours